Sunday, November 2, 2014

My Introduction

My name is Tyler Rex and I am subbing and coaching volleyball at my alma mater, Esperanza High School in Anaheim. I plan on teaching secondary Health Science and possibly get credentialed in another science. I have always been around the sport of volleyball and will always coach the sport. My family is full of educators and so it has always been in my mind to teach and work as a teacher and coach.

 Starting a blog has been on my mind for a while now and so I am glad that this class and assignment has pushed me over the edge to do so. I plan on using it in social media and sharing it whenever possible. I think this can also be a great tool in the classroom when referring the students to my blog for certain materials and class information. I can share video and other content on this blog to flip my classroom or just educate my followers in general.

 One of the ideas from the modules that I thought was important and influential was the impact that role plays can have when you are helping students practice healthy lifestyle choices. I think this can help students overcome obstacles and challenges when role playing the typical conversations that lead to healthy choices. One of the assessments from the module that I thought would be very important would be to track positive behavior change over time. Students should understand the importance of setting healthy lifestyle goals and measuring their progress toward achievement. I feel that this is one of the most valuable lessons students can learn in the course.

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